Day 97 – Pushing through the plateau

There’s nothing like a swift 3K on a Monday morning to get the blood pumping, heart racing and set one up for the week ahead!

I did actually enjoy my run. I started about a minute or two after everyone else because I was changing my shoes but I made up good ground and managed to pass out may be 6 or so people within the 3K route. But it didn’t stop there – 100 squats and 10 x 100m ‘sprints’. I managed to finish the sprints ahead of others who got back in from the 3K before me.  So overall I am quite happy with my perform20131028-195646.jpgance today.

5am – green tea

5:30-6:30am – 3K, 100 squats, 10 x 100m squats, 100 ab exercises (abs was extra I wanted to do)

7am – 2eggs
10:30am – 1/4 of a pineapple
2:30pm – chicken and potato roti
7pm – veg stir fry

I’m feeling kind of thin’ner’ today.  My stomach feels flatter and my trousers hanging off me a little – yipee!

WOD in the morning tomorrow.  I wonder what it will be?

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